Combining coffee and kombucha to get a totally different drink. This brew has a higher potential for mold and other problems. You should be comfortable with the process of kombucha making in general before you try this one.
Sweet Coffee
I used a Hario V60 to brew the basic coffee:
- 30g coffee (The Barn - Test Roast)
- 500g water 90 degrees
Fermentation Liquid
Fill your brewing vessel with:
- 1 fresh Scoby
- 1/5 starter liquid (plain F1 kombucha!)
- 4/5 coffee
Do not reuse a scoby from a coffbucha batch! Do use plain kombucha starter liquid for your coffbucha batch!
Fermentation Time
As I dont have any references I tasted the batch each day and decided to bottle it after 5 days in F1.
Flavour wise it was not really my kind of thing. I bottled the coffbucha without any other ingredients, to keep the taste neutral.