When I started making kombucha, I wanted to have a place to organize my recipes as well as notes regarding different ingredients. I started a Wordpress blog in my local network, though I was not very pleased with the experience. When some friends also started to make kombucha, I wanted to make the blog publicly available, however I did not want to invest in a server which is necessary running Wordpress.
A working college introduced me to Static Website Generators and I started to play around with some of them. After a few weeks of using Hugo, I switched to Gatsby due to the better documentation and the potential of adding a CMS for easier usage for myself. So in addition to collecting my recipes I also used the blog to extend by (at the time non existent) knowledge about those tools.
As I got more and more questions about the general workflow of making kombucha I added some basic guides to the blog. Please note that I'm no expert and take every bit of information in this blog with a grain of salt. Brewing kombucha can be affected by a lot of different factors and some of my approaches might not fit your brews. You can find a good amount of information about the process and different ingredients on this blog, though I highly suggest to get other sources about kombucha in addition. If you cannot find the information you need, google it.
Please note that the main purpose of this blog is to have a place for myself to note and store my recipes and notes. I'm happy to share this information. If you dislike the content, the layout, my writing style or anything else about it, please refer to a different source. There are plenty out there. The current functionality is enough for me and adding too it takes up a lot of time as I do not have much knowledge about the used technologies. In the end this is only a a side project for a hobby of mine and I do not intend to put a lot of time into it in the future other than adding recipes and notes.
That said, constructive feedback and suggestions are very welcome and will be read. Just please do not expect them to get implemented.